Green Path Commons – Phase I: SOLD OUT

Green Path Commons is a thoughtfully designed eco-community of Net-Zero homes in the heart of Asheville. Located less than a mile from New Belgium Brewery, it offers easy access to downtown, the River Arts District, Haywood Road, and the French Broad River. With a spacious common area featuring community gardens and a pavilion house, this vibrant community embodies sustainable living and intentional design. Phase I is now sold out, reflecting the strong demand for this unique living experience.

Master Plan

Designated Common Areas

The community garden and pavilion are central to the common areas at Green Path Commons, providing a safe and controlled space for children to learn and play, and for residents to gather and connect. The pavilion’s roof serves as a rainwater catchment system, supplying water to the garden beds. Looking ahead, we plan to enhance this space with solar panels to provide power, and possibly even an outdoor kitchen. We’re always excited to explore new ideas and features, welcoming input from our future residents to make this community even better.